Find out the complete Indore weather forecast for today including temperature, rain chances, humidity levels, AQI and sunrise-sunset timings.
Weather in Indore Today
Wondering how the weather will be like in Indore today? As an Indore resident, let me give you a detailed update on our city's weather forecast today:
- Indore is likely to have a partly cloudy sky throughout the day. Chances of rainfall are low.
- Daytime temperatures will be on the higher side with maximum temperature around 33 degree Celsius.
- Minimum temperature will settle around 25 degree Celsius.
- Winds will be moderate and blow from the south direction at 14-18 km/hr.
- Humidity levels are expected to be high ranging between 65% to 80%.
- Sunrise in Indore today will be at 5:53 AM while sunset will take place at 6:40 PM.
- The air quality is forecast to be in the 'satisfactory' category but areas near highways may see 'moderate' AQI.
- No significant rainfall is predicted during the day or night today in Indore.
In summary, warm and humid weather is forecasted for Indore today with chances of rainfall being minimal. The weather is likely to remain the same over the next few days as well. Hoping this detailed weather update helps you plan your day better. Stay safe!