Mumbai Weather Today


October 10, 2023 (1y ago)


Find out the Mumbai weather forecast for today including temperature, rain situation, humidity levels, AQI and sunrise-sunset timings.

What will the weather be like in Mumbai today? As a resident of the city, let me give you a detailed Mumbai weather update for today:

Weather in Mumbai Today

  • Mumbai is expected to have a generally cloudy sky throughout the day with moderate to heavy rainfall likely.
  • Maximum temperature will be around 28 degree Celsius.
  • Minimum temperature is expected to be 26 degree Celsius.
  • Strong winds up to 40-50 km/hr are likely along with intense rain spells.
  • Humidity levels will remain extremely high between 90% to 95%.
  • Sunrise in Mumbai will be at 6:00 AM while sunset will happen at 6:48 PM. However, sun may not be visible due to dense clouds.
  • The air quality is predicted to be in the 'satisfactory' category, improving due to washout of pollutants by rain.
  • Intense rain spells are forecasted in the afternoon and evening. Flooding in low lying areas possible.
  • Use raincoats, umbrellas and waterproof shoes when going out. Avoid travelling during heavy downpour.

In summary, extremely wet weather is on the forecast for Mumbai today owing to active monsoon conditions. Citizens should remain alert and stay indoors as much as possible.

Hope this detailed Mumbai weather update helps you plan your day well. Take care and stay dry!

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