Find out Patna weather forecast for today including temperature, rain chances, humidity levels, air quality, and sunrise-sunset timings.
Wondering how the weather will be like in Patna today? As a resident of Patna, let me give you a detailed update on our city's weather forecast today:
Weather in Patna Today
- Patna is likely to have a generally cloudy sky with chances of moderate rainfall through the day.
- Maximum temperature is predicted to settle around 31 degree Celsius.
- Minimum temperature expected to be around 26 degree Celsius.
- Winds will be strong and blow from the southeast direction at 18-28 km/hr.
- Humidity levels will remain high and vary between 75% to 90%.
- Sunrise in Patna today will be at 5:11 AM while sunset will take place at 6:03 PM.
- The air quality is forecast to be 'satisfactory' as rains will wash away pollutants.
- Moderate rain with thunderstorms likely through the day. Risk of waterlogging in low lying areas.
- Use umbrellas/raincoats when going out. Avoid traveling during heavy downpour.
In summary, wet weather is expected in Patna today with regular moderate rainfall. Citizens should remain alert and stay indoors if possible. Hoping this detailed weather update helps you plan your day accordingly. Stay safe!