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RDBMS Full Form

RDBMS is a key concept in database management and SQL programming. Let’s understand what the full form of RDBMS is and its main capabilities.

Full Form of RDBMS

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.

It refers to a database management system that is based on the relational model of data.

RDBMS in Hindi

What is a Relational Database Management System?

A RDBMS is a software system used for:

  • Creating and maintaining relational databases
  • Performing operations like data addition, deletion, retrieval etc. on relational data
  • Enforcing data integrity, security and access control

The data in RDBMS is organized into tables with rows and columns. Tables are related based on common attributes using primary and foreign keys.

Key Capabilities of RDBMS:

  • Define database schema and structures
  • Manipulate data using SQL queries
  • Support ACID properties for reliability
  • Concurrency control and crash recovery
  • Indexing and optimization for performance
  • Administer users, permissions, access control

Well known examples of RDBMS are MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc. They provide the foundation for relational database operations.

In summary, a RDBMS provides efficient tools and capabilities to model, store and manage relational data in a robust manner. They are critical for building reliable data-driven applications.